Bahá’ís of Ventura

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Bahá’ís of Ventura

"One People One Planet"


Hope in a chaotic world


Bahá'ís believe it is time for humanity to come together as one family. The spiritual teachings of the Bahá'í Faith inspire us to form deep and diverse relationships and build communities that nurture the well-being of all people.


The optimistic teachings of the Bahá'í Faith answer essential questions about the human condition and the relationships that bind us together. We welcome you to learn about the Bahá'í teachings, and to connect and participate.


Together, we can shape a bright future.

You have a unique part to play.



We believe there is one God, a loving Creator. Out of love for humanity, God reveals Himself and His Will through Divine Educators, the Founders of the world’s religions. We can know God through studying the lives, scriptures and guidance of these Holy Messengers.



We believe every person comes into the world as a noble and beautiful creation of God. Our purpose in life is to draw closer to God by offering selfless service to others. Together, we are all citizens and caretakers of one planet.


This core belief in oneness calls us to actively root out our prejudices and the systemic inequalities that divide people of different ethnic backgrounds, national origins, genders and social classes.



The Bahá'í Faith is based on the teachings of two Divine Educators, the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. Both lived during the mid-1800’s in Persia and shared revolutionary concepts about the oneness of humanity.


The Báb (meaning “The Gate”) encouraged everyone to seek spiritual truth with independent hearts and let go of superstition and dependence on clergy.

Bahá'u'lláh (meaning the “Glory of God”) envisioned a future where all of humanity operates as one loving family. His teachings help us create harmonious relationships between women and men, black and white, rich and poor, friend and stranger.



Bahá'ís believe God revealed His latest Guidance for humanity through Bahá'u'lláh. In more than one hundred volumes, Bahá'u'lláh shared social and ethical teachings, laws and ordinances, mystical passages and prayers and meditations.

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Contact Us

We would love to hear from you!

Please email us at: 


We can be contacted via US Post at the following address:

Ventura Bahá'í Community
PO BOX 3126
Ventura, CA 93006


Call us at: (800) 228-6483


Hope in a chaotic world


Bahá'ís believe it is time for humanity to come together as one family. The spiritual teachings of the Bahá'í Faith inspire us to form deep and diverse relationships and build communities that nurture the well-being of all people.


The optimistic teachings of the Bahá'í Faith answer essential questions about the human condition and the relationships that bind us together. We welcome you to learn about the Bahá'í teachings, and to connect and participate.


Together, we can shape a bright future.